Beer Bike

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If you like the feeling of adrenalin your veins, this is something you should book with us. Paintball is a perfect activity for groups of tough guys who like to prove they are the best, the strongest. We can guarantee that all of your friends will simply have a great time and relax during the day of paintballing. Moreover, we can offer you a choice between outdoor and indoor paintball venues. Outdoor field is a former military ground lost in the middle of wild forest but it is good to use it between May and September. In winter time, we recommend indoor paintball in one of the abandoned Soviet buildings in Vilnius. Just let us know where you prefer to play the game.

Both versions of our paintball include:

  • transportation to the venue and back
  • English speaking guide’s assistance
  • all necessary equipment
  • English speaking instructors
  • 200 bullets per person

*there is a minimum of 8 persons for this activity

Price: 32 EUR per person